Three Kemps Ridley Turtle Nests in Friends of Padre Adopted Beach 7/25/2016
By Tyler Thorsen

I received this wonderful email from Dr. Donna Shaver this morning. "Tyler, I believe that the section of North Padre Island north of the National Seashore that has been adopted by the Friends of Padre is between markers 292 and 302. I wanted to let you know that three Kemp's ridley nests were recorded within that section this year, including the one near marker 298 in this photo. I collected the eggs from all three nests and brought them to our incubation facility at the National Seashore. Each had a 93.8-97.4% emergence success, and 290 hatchlings were released from them collectively. Thank you for your hard work keeping that section of beach clean for everyone to enjoy, including nesting Kemp's ridley turtles! Best wishes, Donna"