Cold Stunned Sea Turtle Release Scheduled for Wednesday 2pm January 28th 2015
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(Corpus Christi, Texas)- Due to a rapid drop in temperatures over the last few weeks many green sea turtles were rescued and rehabilitated by several agencies with much help from volunteers. It is now time to return these sea turtles into the Gulf of Mexico. Members of the public are invited to come watch the release of cold stunned green turtles at 2:00 pm on Wednesday January 28. The release will be held in front of the Visitor Center at Padre Island National Seashore (on North Padre Island), and will be open to the public free-of-charge.
Currently, favorable weather conditions are predicted. If the forecast changes and we experience cold temperatures later this week, we may need to postpone the release. We encourage you to periodically check our Facebook pages; or You can also find out more by calling our recorded Hatchling Hotline (361-949-7163) for the latest information on the release.
To attend, follow park road 22 out to Padre Island National Seashore, located on North Padre Island. Drive approximately two miles past the entrance station to the Malaquite Visitor Center and park there. Walk through the visitor center complex to the boardwalk and proceed down to the beach, this is where the release will be conducted.