Friends of Padre Beach Report 10/04/2016

By Tyler Thorsen

Via Jeff Wolda


Air Temp: 82

Water Temp: 85 @ 20 / 83 @ 40

Wind: 5mph SE

Water:  Clear

Waves: 3ft

Weed:  None

Driving:  2 wheel drive except at high tide

Red Tide:  No aerosols or fish kill present to the 45. 


     Only made it to the 45 today.  Beach is clean and hard packed due to 2ft high tides.  Driving at night is not recommended until after Oct. 13 due to these or you will be driving in the vegetation.  Bait lines the length of the beach, especially in the 2nd gut.


We saw very few predators today, mostly lady fish and a few Spanish mackerel.  No jacks were present.  Did find a trout and red but fishing time was limited.

 Need another cold front to kick the fall fishing season off.  

Birds seen:


Rudy Turnstone

Reddish Egret

Snowy Egret

Franklin’s Gull

Laughing Gull

Herring Gull

Caspian Tern

Royal Tern

Sandwich Tern

Common Tern

Marbled Godwit

Turkey Vulture

Black Bellied Plover

Piping Plover


Brown Pelican


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