Friends of Padre Beach Report 7/19/2013
By 2
Air Temp: 82
Water Temp: 86
Wind: 10 NE
Waves: 3-4 ft
Water Clarity: Mostly green north of the 37 with patches of dirty water. South of the 37 is chocolate milk. Dirty water was trying to clear on the falling tide.
Weed: North of the 25 there is a lot of new weed coming in. Large mats can be seen seen outside the 3rd bar. South of the 25 it’s spotty. The NE winds over the last couple of days will continue to bring more in. Until we get a steady SE wind it will be an issue, especially for soaking bait.
Driving: Over the last couple of days, the storms have pushed up the water. It has deposited lots of debris on the beach along with the weed. There is a road until about the 20, after that it disappears at the high tide line. There is no road south of the 30. With the heavy traffic on the beach this weekend it should improve once a road is formed. It is 2 wheel drive due to the packed sand from all the rain. That could change very quickly though.
Birds: 4 Black Terns, 16 Marbled Godwit, 12 Curlew and the regular birds of summer.
Did not see any bait the length of the beach. Very few birds except where the weed was washing in. 3 Coyotes, 1 doe, and 1 buck.
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