Friends of Padre Beach Report 8/05/2015
By Tyler Thorsen
Via Capt Billy Sandifer Wind was forecast to blow 10-15 knots and blew to 29 mph. The day before it blew to 27 mph. By noon the wind had increased the current to the point effective lure fishing was impossible. Whiting were available but other than that catching was non-existent. The water was quite murky North of the Big Shell in the morning. Some small tar balls were observed on the north end of the beach to near the 25 mile mark. Believe it or not some amount of tar ball activity is typical during the hottest part of the summer.
The water began to show a little color as we traveled South and the last 10 miles North of the Port Mansfield jetties was the clearest water on the beach.
Water temperature was in the 80’s the entire length of the beachfront. Scattered bait was observed with the largest concentrations of mullet being observed in the 30’s. Little bait was seen the farther South we went. Several mixed flocks of fish eating birds were observed South of the 30 mile feeding offshore and some shoals of Dusky Anchovies were seen although there was no fish activity observed feeding on them. Here is a video taken at the 41.5 mile area. The beach was a highway from the end of the pavement to the 18 mile and then soft spots were encountered frequently. They increased in number as we continued to the South and upon several occasions going into 4 wheel high was required. The Turtle Patrol moved out of the Turtle Shack and secured the building for the season. In late afternoon the water had cleared quite a bit the entire length of the beach. Birds observed included 2 White-tailed Hawks, 1 Osprey, 1 Caracara, 13 Dark Ibis, 3 Spotted Sandpipers and scattered Ruddy Turnstones and Sanderling. Thousands of Black Terns were observed as were lesser numbers of Caspian Terns, Royal Terns, Sandwich Terns, Forester’s Terns, Least Terns, 4 Black Skimmers and numerous Laughing Gulls including juveniles. A shot of the windy surf just off the pavement as we prepared to leave.
Have fun. Billy