Friends of Padre Beach Report 8/13/2013
By 2
Air Temp: 86
Water Temp: 87 Length of Beach
Wind: 15 ESE
Waves: 2-3 ft
Water Clarity: Clear water from the pavement to the 35. 35 to the 59 is dirty to 3rd bar. Last mile is clear to jetty.
Weed: No weed the length of the beach.
Driving: Excellent at low tide. Some 4x4 needed south of the 30 at high tide.
Very little bait in the water on the north end. Some dusky anchovies showed up from the 23-35 late in the day with birds pushing them to shore but no predators in the water. Did see 2 tarpon clear the water through a bait ball outside the 3rd bar at the 35. South of the 35 is a dead zone until just short of the jetties. No bait, no fish to be seen. It’s been that way since Saturday.
Birding was okay today with 13 Curlew, 1 White-tailed Hawk, 1 Caracara, 2120 Black Terns, 11 Black Skimmers and the normal birds of summer. There was also a dead buck at the 36 at the water’s edge.
I was reminded today, the speed limit on the beach is still 15 MPH and will remain so until after Labor Day weekend so watch your speed.
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