Friends of Padre Beach Report 8/25/2015
By Tyler Thorsen
Friends of Padre Beach Report 08-25-2015 Via Board Member Cody Moravits Water Temp: 86 degrees F Wind: Calm in the morning, 10-15 SE in the afternoon shifting to NE in the evening Waves: 1-2 foot becoming choppy as the wind picked up Weed: None Driving: Driving is decent the length of the beach at low tide. Some areas down south were "spongy" and 4WD is needed at high tide Bait was present the length of the beach and included mullet and anchovies. A few nice trout were spotted in the wade gut and Spanish Mackerel and Ladyfish were feeding heavily on anchovies all day. Birds Observed: Black Tern (1,000's) Least Tern Sandwich Tern Royal Tern Brown Pelican Long Billed Curlew Ruddy Turnstone Sanderling Willet Laughing Gull Herring Gull Black Bellied Plover Great Blue Heron Green Heron Tricolored Heron Yellow crowned Night Heron Cattle Egret Willet Grackle Caracara Turkey Vulture