Friends of Padre Beach Report for 10/15/2014
By 2
Via Captain Billy Sandifer
Water was flat and crystal clear the entire length of the beach with the wind blowing from the West. Driving was somewhat bumpy but 2 wheel drive the entire length of the beach. Dead sargassum was present on the North end but there was none South. Redfish, Spanish mackerel, skipjacks, jack Crevalle and Blacktipped sharks were present but awfully hard to bait in the gin clear water. We observed 6 Blue Land Crabs/Great Land Crabs in the 30s and what makes these noteworthy is they are the first ones I have ever seen on PINS. Finger and medium sized mullet were present the entire length of the beach and some Tarpon were seen free jumping. Migrating birds included 237 Red Knots, 45 Long-billed Curlew and 3 American Golden Plover. Common Tern were in good supply but it seems the Black and Least Terns have move on as have most of the Wilson’s Plover.