Friends of Padre Pre Labor Day Scouting Report for 8/26
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Billy Sandifer and Jeff Wolda made another scouting trip due to the upcoming holiday weekend. A couple of warnings. For those of you who do not watch weather reports there is a low pressure in the Gulf offshore of us and there is a chance of rain through early Saturday. We are going to have varying winds and that is bound to bring in more grass and there is the possibility of higher than normal tides due to that low pressure. Yesterday the water was beautiful from one end of the beach to the other. The water temperature was 82 degrees at the end of the pavement and remained warm the length of the beach. There was lots of bait from Big Shell south but it was dead on the north end. No offshore action was observed. Driving is good on low tide with medium rough going on high tide. There is scattered dead grass in the water along the majority of the surf and small pieces of fresh grass are spotty. FOR THOSE PLANNING ON CAMPING AT THE JETTIES YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO GO THROUGH ON DEAD LOW TIDE OR DRIVE IN THE WATER in a couple of spots north of the jetty. Birds included several thousand Black Terns, 19 Long-billed Curlews, 20 American Avocets, 100 White Egrets (sp), 5 Yellow-crowned Night Herons, 4 Marbled Godwits, 1 Green Heron, 2 Tri-colored Heron, 12 Great Egrets and 4 Little Blue Heron . Peep and Wilson’s Plover are in good numbers. Fishing was poor with trout and reds present but not active.
Have a Happy Holiday!
Billy Sandifer