Friends of Padre Report 2/16/2014
By 2
FOP REPORT 021614 by board member Jeff Wolda
Air Temp: 65
Water Temp: 55
Wind: 5-15 SE
Waves: 2-3
Water Clarity: Clear length of beach
Weed: None
Driving: Excellent
Hit the beach again today with fellow board member Tyler Thorsen. We had great conditions with the exception of, still no bait in the water. Gulls are still feeding on small hard heads the length of the beach. We threw lures again today looking for trout with no luck. Until the bait moves back in and the water warms up a tad fishing with lures will be tough.
As we hit the beach this morning we did see a rare sight, approximately 20 white pelicans were in the surf in the 2nd gut at the 1mm.
After hitting the jetties and heading back north, we stopped and fished a hole at the 48. Getting back into the truck I realized we had a leak in the left front tire. I want to thank Kevin and friends from Hondo and Doug from San Antonio in the yellow jeep who was our wing man as we left the beach. Thanks also to ranger Van Aaltz who let us air up our ailing tire at the ranger center. Good folks that will be paid back forward!