Friends of Padre Wins Conservation Award at CBBF Annual Banquet
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Friends of Padre took home the award for Conservation Nonprofit Group at the 12th Annual Coastal Bend Bays Foundation Banquet held December 4th at Northshore Country Club in Portland, TX.
Friends of Padre President, Captain Billy Sandifer and Vice President Dr.David McKee accepted on behalf of the group.
Thanks to CBBF for this prestigious honor and to KRIS Weatherman Maclovio Perez for doing a great job as emcee and videographer!
Here is a complete list of this year's honorees from the CBBF
The Awards Banquet theme this year is “Restoration in the Coastal Bend.”
Coastal Steward – Beth Hoekje
Coastal Community – Baffin Bay Volunteers
Education K-12 – Yolanda Aviles
Higher Education – Dr. Mike Wetz
Nonprofit Organization – Friends of Padre Island
Industry – Port of Corpus Christi Authority
We are especially pleased to announce the President’s Award
Mr. Scott Murray
For Outstanding Vision and Leadership
for Baffin Bay Natural Resource Conservation Assessments
Mr. Murray received support from the following:
Kleberg County – Funding Partner for Baffin Bay Natural Resource Conservation Assessments
Celanese – Bishop Facility – Funding Partner for Baffin Bay Natural Resource Conservation Assessments
Friends of Baffin Bay -Supporting Partners for Baffin Bay Natural Resource Conservation Assessments
Proceeds from the Banquet benefit the Coastal Bend Bays Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization, and help us provide outreach, habitat restoration, and educational opportunities that promote conservation of our precious natural resources.