Padre Island National Seashore Red Tide Update 10/2/2015
By Tyler Thorsen
Via Padre Island National Seashore Good News and Happy Weekend! Yesterday's tests results came back and we are happy to say that it looks like the Red Tide has moved on (for the most part). The beaches around Malaquite campground, the visitor center and down to the 15 mile marker came back with Low Levels of the red tide algae! Around the 30 levels are a bit higher at the Moderate Levels. It isn't until around the 45 that the red tide levels reach High Levels and down near the channel the levels are higher still, about 5 times higher than around the 45MM. If you are coming out to the beach you still want to be careful of the remains of dead fish. While the high tides have moved most of them up to the dune line there still may be some in the high road portion of the driving beach. The spines and bones from fish can pop tires so please be aware and try to avoid these hazards. Enjoy your weekend and the beautiful beach weather!