PINS Bird Count 10-14-2012

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On Sunday 14 Oct., 2012 Mel Cooksey, Petra and Alan Ladd and I did a bird count on PINS due to a Friday report from David Newstead (Audubon Man) that there were very large numbers of black and common terns feeding on anchovies in at least the first 15 miles of PINS. Corpus Christi Outdoor writer, David Sikes, Jimmy Jackson, guide Jeff Wolda and Jimmy’s friend followed us.  Winds blew near 40 mph before we could go on Sunday and all the black terns and anchovies had moved offshore.  Seas were big and tides high.  At the 58 mile we found this 6 foot shark dead in a piece of gill netting and I reported it to all the Tramadol Hcl proper agencies.  See post update here.  Winds and seas subdued somewhat and we hoped for a better showing of afternoon birds but it was just too early.  We did observe 118 Common Terns, 32 Red Knots (of which 11 had tags and we were able to retrieve the numbers from using a scope) and passed this information to the proper authorities.  558 Sandwich Terns, 58 Long-billed Curlews, 9 Snowy Plover, 14 Piping Plover, 1 Wimbrel, 58 Long-billed Curlews, 9 Peregrine Falcons, 2 White tailed hawks (juveniles), 2 Northern Harriers, 2 Caracara and 2 Turkey Vultures were counted on the way out.  Tough trip any way you look at it and a long day.   Capt. Billy L. Sandifer


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