Friends of Padre Beach Report 5/12/2016
By Tyler Thorsen
Via Jeff Wolda Air Temp: 77 Water Temp: 78 Wind: 5-10 ENE Waves: 2-3 ft Water: Dirty to 2nd bar Weed: None, some sea grass washing up south of the 48 to the jetties Driving: Excellent at low tide. The 20 to the 30 may require some 4x4 at high tide. There are several spots on the south end of the beach that are not passable (unless you drive through the water) at high tide due to the beach being so skinny.
After around 45 days of green or clear water especially on the south end of PINS, it has come to an end. The water is chocolate milk the entire length of the beach.
Most of it is to the 2nd bar but in some stretches it goes out to the 3rd. Never saw bait or birds working. My guess is, and I’ve also heard this from a few other people, is this is from the flood waters that hit Houston a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully it will not last long! Birds Observed: Royal Tern Caspian Tern Laughing Gull Herring Gull Willet Curlew Blue Heron Aplamado Falcon Red Knot Black Bellied Plover Ruddy Turnstone Sanderling