Friends of Padre Beach Report 5/20/2016
By Tyler Thorsen
via Jeff Wolda Air Temp: 80 Water Temp: 78 Wind: 15-20 NE Waves: 3-5 ft Water: Green the length of the beach Weed: None Driving was good with the exception of the 20-29 mile marker at high tide. The Northeast winds kept the water higher than it should have been for most of the day. It started to shift to the Southeast as I was driving off the beach and the water was dropping quickly.
Water is the perfect clarity for fishing. Not gin clear but, you have enough visibility for sight casting or catching bait. Caught jacks and skip jacks with little effort and did see a large school of dusky anchovies down south at the water’s edge. Lots of mullet in the surf from one end to the other.
Three kemps nests were found today just south of the turtle shack bringing the total number of nests in Texas to 100 for the year. Did see my first Frigate bird of the year at the 20 as I was driving off.
Birds observed: Royal Tern Caspian Tern Laughing Gull Herring Gull Willet Blue Heron Ruddy Turnstone Caracara Black Tern Brown Pelican Barn Swallow Red Knot